courtesy by Arsalan Shahid:
1) Allon ---------- Turns all the lights of the keyboard one by one.
2) Ascendin ------- Input 3 numbers and arrange them in ascending order.
3) Ayaz ----------- The beginning of every program.
4) Big&sma -------- Ask the total number of inputs and then tells the biggest and the smallest number.
5) Bitpos --------- shows how computer understand a number OR sort of a binary conversion.
6) Calculator ----- Calculator.
7) Capslck -------- Toggles the capslock.
8) Diamond -------- Text Diamond.
9) Discount ------- Tells the discount on the original price.
10) Keystat -------- Tells the keystatus of the keyboard.
11) keystat1 ------- Tells the keystatus of the keyboard either on or off.
12) Newton --------- Newton raphson method.
13) Oddeven -------- Odd and Even series which depends on the initial limit.
14) Oddeven1 ------- Prints odd or even series, what ever is our choice.
15) Prime ---------- Prints prime numbers with in the given limits.
16) Pyramid -------- A right angeled triangle with square.
17) Pyramid1 ------- A right angeled triangle with a line of same numbers.
18) Pyramid2 ------- A right angeled triangle with a line of sequence of numbers.
19) Pyramid3 ------- A non-true equilateral triangle.
20) Pyramid4 ------- A true equilateral triangle.
21) Pyramid5 ------- Pascal's triangle.
22) Screen --------- Saves anything on the screen.
23) Smallest ------- Takes 3 numbers input and tells the smallest number.
24) Sum ------------ Takes ten numbers inputs and tells sum and average of these numbers.
25) Sum1 ----------- Takes ten numbers inputs and tells sum and average of these numbers. Also tells the numbers.
26) Tafreeh -------- Toggles the capslock and preparing the system.
27) Trapezoi ------- Trapezoidal Method.
28) Func ----------- Function's first program.
29) wordcnt -------- Counts the entered characters and words.
30) matrix --------- Multiplication of 2 matrices.
31) magic ---------- Magic (box) square.
32) string --------- Inputs a string sentence and prints the string on seperate lines where ever a space is placed.
33) factor --------- Tells all the possible factors of an inputed number.
34) quadequa ******* Randomly generates quadratic equation (factorizable, completing the squares & quadratic formula) separately.
35) asign2 ********* Omits the unwanted words from the given sentence.
36) struct --------- Struct first program.
37) structa -------- Struct program with array.
37) fwrite --------- File write first program.
38) fread ---------- File read first program.
39) Faboni --------- Generate Fabonaic series upto the given number of members.
40) Faboni1 -------- Generate Fabonaci series upto the given limit.
41) problem01 ------- Scans a number either it is a prime number or not.
42) problem02 ------- Prints a series of first 100 prime numbers.
43) problem03 ------- A right angeled triangle with a line of sequence of numbers.
44) problem04 ------- Prints a text based hollow square.
45) problem05 ------- Input a four digit number and add its individual digits.
46) problem06 ------- Input a four digit number and reverse it.
47) problem07 ------- Decimal to binary conversion.
48) problem08 ------- Binary to decimal conversion.
49) problem09 ------- Prints text based union jack of the given dimension.
50) problem10 ------- Prints text based equilateral triangle.
51) problem11 ------- Prints different types of triangles.
52) problem12 ------- Prints your name at the four corners of the screen.
53) problem13 ------- Prints the factorial of the given number.
52) problem14 ------- Tells the result of any number with its power without using "pow".
53) problem15 ------- Tells the mulplication result of two numbers without using "*".
54) problem16 ------- Function thats returns the square of a number.
55) problem17 ------- L.C.M calculator.
56) problem18 ------- G.C.D calculator.
57) problem19 ------- Generate Fabonaic series upto the given number of members.
58) problem20 ------- Functions of detecting biggest and smallest number.
59) problem21 ------- Prints the factors of the given number.
60) problem22 ------- Tells the difference between two times in the form of hr:min:sec.
61) problem23 ------- Calculates GPA of any subject you want by giving it your marks and the total marks.
62) problem24 ------- Inputs an array of numbers and tells the average,most repeated,smallest and biggest number.
63) problem25 ------- Input five numbers and display a histogram according to the values.
64) problem26 ------- Inputs a string and redisplay it with an additional space between each character.
65) problem27 ------- Inputs an array and sort it in ascending order.
66) problem28 ------- Inputs an array and then a key then find the position of the key in that array.
67) problem29 ------- Matrix Calulator (input two matrices and prints the desired output).
68) problem30 ------- Inputs a number and tells the roman equivalent of that number.
69) problem31 ------- Inputs two sets and tells their union.
70) problem32 ------- Inputs two sets and tells their intersection.
71) problem33 ------- Inputs a number and tells it in words within limit of 0 to 9999.
77) prime1 --------- Inputs two numbers and prints the series of prime numbers between the corresponding numbers (wahaj prac.).
78) pract ********** Inputs an 2-D array and prints the greatest, least and most repeated number (my pract).
79) namesort ------- Inputs ten names and sort it in ascending order.
80) bublsort ------- Sorting by bubble sort algorithm.
81) selsort -------- Sorting by selection sort algorithm.
82) inssort -------- Sorting by insertion sort algorithm.
83) quiksort ------- Sorting by quick sort algorithm.
84) singlink ------- Manages a link list (adding,searching and traversing) in ascending order.
85) postfix -------- Inputs an infix expression and convert it into postfix form and evaluate it.
86) fctorial ------- Calculates the factorial of the given number recurrsively.
87) power ---------- Calculates the value of a number with its exponent recurrsively.
88) gcd ------------ Calculates the gcd of two numbers recurrsively.
89) gpacal ********* Calculates the gp of each subject & cumulative, very informatively, within a particular environment.
90) intrpts -------- Uses of different interrupts (like printing, time, date, memory, cursor etc).
91) pnt2func ------- First program to use a pointer to a function.
92) qsort ---------- Usage of library function-qsort.
93) diffsort ------- Sorts a database according to user needs.
94) ownisr --------- It writes my own interrupt handler (service routine) on the 0x1c of interrupt vector table.
95) impfiles ------- It uses different important files to write data on different output devices.
96) spotline ------- It uses graphics of 'C' and draws line or spot with key movements.
97) fileread ------- It reads any given file upto 3000 characters.
98) crack ---------- It cracks the folder guard and let u be the administartor.
99) trpllink ------- Manages a link list (adding,searching and traversing) in ascending, descending and original order.
100) dbllink ******* Manages a link list (adding,searching and traversing) in ascending, descending order.
101) bmp ----------- Loads a bmp image in dos using 4 different methods.
102) 16col --------- Loads a 16 color bmp image in dos of any size.
103) edge_det ------ Detects edges in a black & white bmp image and hollow the original image and saves back to file.
104) edge01 -------- Detects edges in a black & white bmp image and bordered the original image with red color.
105) edge02 ********
106) del_char ------ Deletes a specified character from a whole file.
107) del_word ****** Deletes a specified word (string) from a whole file.
108) filecopy ------ Duplicates a file.
109) binary -------- Searching by binary search algorithm.
110) fdiff --------- Infinite differences calulator.
111) fdiff01 ------- Infinite differences calulator (prints vertically inside a table).
112) bblsort ------- Bubble sorting without changing original array (with pointers).
113) inssort ------- Insertion sorting without changing original array (with pointers).
114) selsort ------- Selection sorting without changing original array (with pointers).
115) link01 -------- Link list with proper functions.
116) strstr -------- Extended version of strstr that identifies all of the occurrences of substring.
117) missing ------- Finds missing values in the infinite difference series.
118) error --------- Error correction in infinite difference series.
119) bisect -------- Bisection method of finding roots of a equation.
120) interpol ------ Interpolation method of finding roots of a equation.
121) swap ------------ Swaps any two variables.
1) Allon ---------- Turns all the lights of the keyboard one by one.
2) Ascendin ------- Input 3 numbers and arrange them in ascending order.
3) Ayaz ----------- The beginning of every program.
4) Big&sma -------- Ask the total number of inputs and then tells the biggest and the smallest number.
5) Bitpos --------- shows how computer understand a number OR sort of a binary conversion.
6) Calculator ----- Calculator.
7) Capslck -------- Toggles the capslock.
8) Diamond -------- Text Diamond.
9) Discount ------- Tells the discount on the original price.
10) Keystat -------- Tells the keystatus of the keyboard.
11) keystat1 ------- Tells the keystatus of the keyboard either on or off.
12) Newton --------- Newton raphson method.
13) Oddeven -------- Odd and Even series which depends on the initial limit.
14) Oddeven1 ------- Prints odd or even series, what ever is our choice.
15) Prime ---------- Prints prime numbers with in the given limits.
16) Pyramid -------- A right angeled triangle with square.
17) Pyramid1 ------- A right angeled triangle with a line of same numbers.
18) Pyramid2 ------- A right angeled triangle with a line of sequence of numbers.
19) Pyramid3 ------- A non-true equilateral triangle.
20) Pyramid4 ------- A true equilateral triangle.
21) Pyramid5 ------- Pascal's triangle.
22) Screen --------- Saves anything on the screen.
23) Smallest ------- Takes 3 numbers input and tells the smallest number.
24) Sum ------------ Takes ten numbers inputs and tells sum and average of these numbers.
25) Sum1 ----------- Takes ten numbers inputs and tells sum and average of these numbers. Also tells the numbers.
26) Tafreeh -------- Toggles the capslock and preparing the system.
27) Trapezoi ------- Trapezoidal Method.
28) Func ----------- Function's first program.
29) wordcnt -------- Counts the entered characters and words.
30) matrix --------- Multiplication of 2 matrices.
31) magic ---------- Magic (box) square.
32) string --------- Inputs a string sentence and prints the string on seperate lines where ever a space is placed.
33) factor --------- Tells all the possible factors of an inputed number.
34) quadequa ******* Randomly generates quadratic equation (factorizable, completing the squares & quadratic formula) separately.
35) asign2 ********* Omits the unwanted words from the given sentence.
36) struct --------- Struct first program.
37) structa -------- Struct program with array.
37) fwrite --------- File write first program.
38) fread ---------- File read first program.
39) Faboni --------- Generate Fabonaic series upto the given number of members.
40) Faboni1 -------- Generate Fabonaci series upto the given limit.
41) problem01 ------- Scans a number either it is a prime number or not.
42) problem02 ------- Prints a series of first 100 prime numbers.
43) problem03 ------- A right angeled triangle with a line of sequence of numbers.
44) problem04 ------- Prints a text based hollow square.
45) problem05 ------- Input a four digit number and add its individual digits.
46) problem06 ------- Input a four digit number and reverse it.
47) problem07 ------- Decimal to binary conversion.
48) problem08 ------- Binary to decimal conversion.
49) problem09 ------- Prints text based union jack of the given dimension.
50) problem10 ------- Prints text based equilateral triangle.
51) problem11 ------- Prints different types of triangles.
52) problem12 ------- Prints your name at the four corners of the screen.
53) problem13 ------- Prints the factorial of the given number.
52) problem14 ------- Tells the result of any number with its power without using "pow".
53) problem15 ------- Tells the mulplication result of two numbers without using "*".
54) problem16 ------- Function thats returns the square of a number.
55) problem17 ------- L.C.M calculator.
56) problem18 ------- G.C.D calculator.
57) problem19 ------- Generate Fabonaic series upto the given number of members.
58) problem20 ------- Functions of detecting biggest and smallest number.
59) problem21 ------- Prints the factors of the given number.
60) problem22 ------- Tells the difference between two times in the form of hr:min:sec.
61) problem23 ------- Calculates GPA of any subject you want by giving it your marks and the total marks.
62) problem24 ------- Inputs an array of numbers and tells the average,most repeated,smallest and biggest number.
63) problem25 ------- Input five numbers and display a histogram according to the values.
64) problem26 ------- Inputs a string and redisplay it with an additional space between each character.
65) problem27 ------- Inputs an array and sort it in ascending order.
66) problem28 ------- Inputs an array and then a key then find the position of the key in that array.
67) problem29 ------- Matrix Calulator (input two matrices and prints the desired output).
68) problem30 ------- Inputs a number and tells the roman equivalent of that number.
69) problem31 ------- Inputs two sets and tells their union.
70) problem32 ------- Inputs two sets and tells their intersection.
71) problem33 ------- Inputs a number and tells it in words within limit of 0 to 9999.
77) prime1 --------- Inputs two numbers and prints the series of prime numbers between the corresponding numbers (wahaj prac.).
78) pract ********** Inputs an 2-D array and prints the greatest, least and most repeated number (my pract).
79) namesort ------- Inputs ten names and sort it in ascending order.
80) bublsort ------- Sorting by bubble sort algorithm.
81) selsort -------- Sorting by selection sort algorithm.
82) inssort -------- Sorting by insertion sort algorithm.
83) quiksort ------- Sorting by quick sort algorithm.
84) singlink ------- Manages a link list (adding,searching and traversing) in ascending order.
85) postfix -------- Inputs an infix expression and convert it into postfix form and evaluate it.
86) fctorial ------- Calculates the factorial of the given number recurrsively.
87) power ---------- Calculates the value of a number with its exponent recurrsively.
88) gcd ------------ Calculates the gcd of two numbers recurrsively.
89) gpacal ********* Calculates the gp of each subject & cumulative, very informatively, within a particular environment.
90) intrpts -------- Uses of different interrupts (like printing, time, date, memory, cursor etc).
91) pnt2func ------- First program to use a pointer to a function.
92) qsort ---------- Usage of library function-qsort.
93) diffsort ------- Sorts a database according to user needs.
94) ownisr --------- It writes my own interrupt handler (service routine) on the 0x1c of interrupt vector table.
95) impfiles ------- It uses different important files to write data on different output devices.
96) spotline ------- It uses graphics of 'C' and draws line or spot with key movements.
97) fileread ------- It reads any given file upto 3000 characters.
98) crack ---------- It cracks the folder guard and let u be the administartor.
99) trpllink ------- Manages a link list (adding,searching and traversing) in ascending, descending and original order.
100) dbllink ******* Manages a link list (adding,searching and traversing) in ascending, descending order.
101) bmp ----------- Loads a bmp image in dos using 4 different methods.
102) 16col --------- Loads a 16 color bmp image in dos of any size.
103) edge_det ------ Detects edges in a black & white bmp image and hollow the original image and saves back to file.
104) edge01 -------- Detects edges in a black & white bmp image and bordered the original image with red color.
105) edge02 ********
106) del_char ------ Deletes a specified character from a whole file.
107) del_word ****** Deletes a specified word (string) from a whole file.
108) filecopy ------ Duplicates a file.
109) binary -------- Searching by binary search algorithm.
110) fdiff --------- Infinite differences calulator.
111) fdiff01 ------- Infinite differences calulator (prints vertically inside a table).
112) bblsort ------- Bubble sorting without changing original array (with pointers).
113) inssort ------- Insertion sorting without changing original array (with pointers).
114) selsort ------- Selection sorting without changing original array (with pointers).
115) link01 -------- Link list with proper functions.
116) strstr -------- Extended version of strstr that identifies all of the occurrences of substring.
117) missing ------- Finds missing values in the infinite difference series.
118) error --------- Error correction in infinite difference series.
119) bisect -------- Bisection method of finding roots of a equation.
120) interpol ------ Interpolation method of finding roots of a equation.
121) swap ------------ Swaps any two variables.
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