Important Qustions for ICS II

Q1: Write "C" code for sorting the data in my_list using Bucket sort algorithm and printing it in the same function. Use the following struct definition and prototype of the function (the function will be called as bucket_sort(&my_list))
typedef struct LIST_TYPE
{ int info[MAX];
int current_sixe; };
void bucket_sort(LIST_TYPE *list);

Note: MAX is a predefined constant integer and my_list.current_size = 1000)

Q2: Define the following
1) syntax 2) semantics 3) metalanguage 4) Terminal symbol
5) Non terminal symbol 6) Data Structure 7) ADT
8) linked list 9) Tree data structure 10) Grammer

Q3: What is meant by generations of programming languages? Explain with example(S).

Q4: Describe the overview of the process of developing an expert system.

Q5: Find complexity of the following code of C language written to multiply the two matrices stored in two 2D arrays a and b the matrix is of the order of rowsA * colsA, whereas order of matrix b is rowsB* colsB.

Q6: Difference between following
1) Mealy machine and Moore Machine
2) Finite state machine and finite state automation
Q7: Convert the following list of alphabets in inserted Inorder into an empty binary search tree
a) draw the final binary tree
b) find the preorder, postorder, Inorder Traversal of the tree.

Q8:Which sorting algo is better than binary search and write its code.

1) Resolution of eye________
2) __________ list have previous node and next node address.
3) the function called itself called________
