NEURAL NETWORK n. A type of artificial-intelligence system modeled after the neurons (nerve cells) in a biological nervous system and intended to simulate the way a brain processes information, learns, and remembers. A neural network is designed as an interconnected system of processing elements, each with a limited number of inputs and an output. These processing elements are able to “learn” by receiving weighted inputs that, with adjustment, time, and repetition, can be made to produce appropriate outputs. Neural networks are used in areas such as pattern recognition, speech analysis, and speech synthesis. See also artificial intelligence (definition 1), pattern recognition.
SEMANTICS n. 1. In programming, the relationship between words or symbols and their intended meanings. Programming languages are subject to certain semantic rules; thus, a program statement can be syntactically correct but semantically incorrect; that is, a statement can be written in an acceptable form and still convey the wrong meaning. See the illustration.
ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER n. A device that converts a continuously varying (analog) signal, such as sound or voltage, from a monitoring instrument to binary code for use by a computer. See the illustration. Acronym: ADC. Also called: A-D converter. See also modem. Compare digital-to-analog converter.
METADATA OR META DATA n. 1. Data about data. For example, the title, subject, author, and size of a file constitute metadata about the file. See also data dictionary, repository. 2. In the Microsoft .NET Framework, information that describes every element managed by the runtime: an assembly, loadable file, type, method, and so on. This can include information required for debugging and garbage collection, as well as security attributes, marshaling data, extended class and member definitions, version binding, and other information required by the runtime.
BINARY TREE n. In programming, a specific type of tree data structure in which each node has at most two subtrees, one left and one right. Binary trees are often used for sorting information; each node of the binary search tree contains a key, with values less than that key added to one subtree and values greater than that key added to the other.
LINKED LIST n. In programming, a list of nodes or elements of a data structure connected by pointers. A singly linked list has one pointer in each node pointing to the next node in the list; a doubly linked list has two pointers in each node that point to the next and previous nodes. In a circular list, the first and last nodes of the list are linked together.
SEMANTICS n. 1. In programming, the relationship between words or symbols and their intended meanings. Programming languages are subject to certain semantic rules; thus, a program statement can be syntactically correct but semantically incorrect; that is, a statement can be written in an acceptable form and still convey the wrong meaning. See the illustration.
ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER n. A device that converts a continuously varying (analog) signal, such as sound or voltage, from a monitoring instrument to binary code for use by a computer. See the illustration. Acronym: ADC. Also called: A-D converter. See also modem. Compare digital-to-analog converter.
METADATA OR META DATA n. 1. Data about data. For example, the title, subject, author, and size of a file constitute metadata about the file. See also data dictionary, repository. 2. In the Microsoft .NET Framework, information that describes every element managed by the runtime: an assembly, loadable file, type, method, and so on. This can include information required for debugging and garbage collection, as well as security attributes, marshaling data, extended class and member definitions, version binding, and other information required by the runtime.
BINARY TREE n. In programming, a specific type of tree data structure in which each node has at most two subtrees, one left and one right. Binary trees are often used for sorting information; each node of the binary search tree contains a key, with values less than that key added to one subtree and values greater than that key added to the other.
LINKED LIST n. In programming, a list of nodes or elements of a data structure connected by pointers. A singly linked list has one pointer in each node pointing to the next node in the list; a doubly linked list has two pointers in each node that point to the next and previous nodes. In a circular list, the first and last nodes of the list are linked together.
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